— Writing Samples —
Heide Brandes is an award-winning journalist, travel journalist and editor with more than 20 years of published experience.
She regularly contributes to numerous state, regional and national publications and has been published in BBC Travel, National Geographic, Cowboys & Indians, Huffington Post, Business Insider, Forbes, United Airlines Hemispheres, Sierra Magazine, Route Magazine, Silicon66, The Guardian UK, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Outdoor X 4 Magazine, Kayak Magazine, RoadTrippers Magazine, ROVA, TrailGroove Magazine, Destinations Travel Magazine, New York Daily News, The New York Times and others. She also served as the Oklahoma correspondent for Reuters News Service.
Heide is a public speaker and writing instructor who often speaks to writer groups, college classes and professional organizations. She holds numerous writing honors and served as a media relations professional for non-profit organizations.
Heide is currently the Vice-President of The Society for Professional Journalists Oklahoma Pro Chapter, and is a member of Society for American Travel Writers, Outdoor Writers of America Association, and North American Travel Journalists Association.
Heide is an avid traveler, medieval warrior, hiker, professional bellydancer and Bellydance instructor and kind of a quirky chick who lives in Oklahoma City.