NFL Hall of Famer launches EIGHT Elite Light Lager in Oklahoma

JOURNAL RECORD - Feb. 26, 2024 - An Austin-based beer company, founded by a former professional athlete and Dallas Cowboys star Troy Aikman, launched its signature light lager in Oklahoma on Monday, marking the first expansion for the 90-calorie Eight Elite Light Lager.

Introduced in 2022 in Texas, the company’s response to market demand in Texas was positive, and EIGHT Brewing Co. (named for Aikman’s number while quarterback with the Dallas Cowboys) set the stage for a strong foundation in Oklahoma.

EIGHT is brewed with organic grains, and no adjuncts, cheap fillers or sugars, fulfilling the desire of its founders to create a “clean” beer. At just 90 calories and 2.6g carbohydrates per 12 oz serving, Eight Elite Light Lager is geared to beer drinkers who are mindful about the ingredients they consume.

Now, Oklahomans won’t have to cross the Red River to get it.

“This is a big move for EIGHT, and the result of the hard work and relentless effort of our entire team,” said Ruchi Desai, CEO and co-founder of EIGHT Brewing Co. “Our plans for growth don’t end in Oklahoma, but we’re excited to take this first step here.”

Though it seems the launch of Eight Elite in the state came out of the blue, the process actually started more than nine months ago.

Building a better beer

As an athlete, Aikman was a poster child for health and wellness, and his dedication to health led him to three Super Bowl championships and induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame for the Quarterback. He’s also keen on industry, getting into the car business, the chicken-wing business and the brick business. When he was approached about creating a beer that athletes could enjoy without compromising their health, Aikman jumped on.

“I started my career in finance, I was a lawyer and I’ve been working in startups for a long time, but  I’m an avid triathlete,” said Desai. “I live a very active lifestyle, and I enjoy beer. But, I’ve never really enjoyed light beers.”.

As Desai contemplated the possibility of creating a healthy beer that also tasted good, a friend put her in touch with Aikman. Passionate about eating clean, the celebrity athlete was a beer drinker as well.

“I’m proud to bring EIGHT to Oklahoma – this is light beer made right,” said Aikman. “There’s nothing like EIGHT on the market, which is exactly why we chose to create it.”

In 2022, the two partnered with Oregon State University to create a beer that was made with organic grains and free of fillers and preservatives. Together, they developed the brand and launched EIGHT Elite in February 2022.

“We were the number one new craft beer in Texas,” Desai said. “Overall, we were the number two new beer brand only behind Bud Light. It was the fastest independent launch of any beer in Texas history. It’s the cleanest beer that you can get.”

Working with Oklahoma

When the brand decided to expand into Oklahoma, CCO David Reny took the reins.

“This is the second brand that I’ve rolled in two years in the state of Oklahoma,” he said. “I worked for Yuengling, and we brought that brand to Oklahoma last March. Rolling out Eight has been even smoother than my past experience. I’ve done this in a lot of different states, and it can take a really long time to get the state to approve your packages and your labels. and your brands. But Oklahoma has been really, really good to work with.”

Reny added that the distributors in the state were also key players in the ease of the launch of Eight Elite.

“It’s always both an incredible opportunity and a task to launch a new beer brand, like EIGHT, in the state of Oklahoma,” said Tristan Torres, director of Marketing for Capital Distributing.

“The distributor plays a big hand in everything from coordinating initial shipment forecasts, building out sampling programs and developing localized marketing campaigns to bring the right products to the right consumers. When we do our job right, each new beer we bring to the state launches with a big impact!

Oklahoma’s Capital Distributing also partnered with EIGHT Brewing Co. to bring the beer to market throughout central Oklahoma, said Gordon Green, president and general Manager, Capital Distributing.

“Oklahoma is very special to me; it’s where I grew up, and I still have friends and family throughout the state,” said Aikman, who hails from Henryetta. “In a way, bringing EIGHT to Oklahoma is like coming home. I’m excited to share EIGHT with a community that has been such an important part of my life.”

EIGHT is available in traditional 6-packs, 12-packs, 24-packs and 19.2oz single-serve cans. The beer is distributed in Oklahoma by Capital Distributing, LDF and Fisher59. Consumers over 21 can visit for a list of where EIGHT is available in Texas and Oklahoma.


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