The Riley Group - Sales Letter

Dear homeowner!

First of all, congratulations and WELCOME to your new home! What an exciting time for you and your family.

The Riley Group, a personal assistant and errand-running service, is aware how exhilarating and overwhelming a new home purchase can be. Although a happy time for your family, the hundreds of tasks and responsibilities in setting up your new house can be a headache!

We’ve included a free gift — a helpful handout to help you organize utilities, new address tasks, to-do lists and paperwork. It is our goal to make your move as easy and efficient as possible.

Of course, The Riley Group would love to take those worries and tasks off your plate so you can enjoy your new house without the headaches that go along with moving.

From packing, utility set up, waiting for utility personnel to arrive to even home organization and shopping, The Riley Group can help your family in an efficient, trustworthy and — most importantly — affordable manner.

I have included The Riley Group brochure, which lists many of the services our company provides. It is in no way inclusive of all the tasks we can do, but will give you an idea of what value we offer. We are now serving: Oklahoma City Metro, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas and Tampa, Florida.

I look forward to helping save time! Again, WELCOME HOME!

Valerie Riley President


Media Release – From Homeless to Hopeful


Website copy for art company