Travel Matthew Austin Travel Matthew Austin

Meet Amy Viktoria, Founder of Hike365

Amy Viktoria was lonely.

A Canmore, Alberta resident, Amy was new to the area, and she didn’t have anyone to hike with except for her dog, Metsa. Her husband worked as an environmental scientist away from home, and while Amy took advantage of the stunning landscapes in Alberta, she wanted to share the beauty and adventure with someone else too.

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Matthew Austin Matthew Austin

Watch out for Fairy Shrimp on Your Next Hike Up Enchanted Rock

Don’t splash in the puddles that form atop Enchanted Rock: Tiny fairies are dancing there.

Shallow pools that form after rains on the massive granite dome north of Fredericksburg are among the few places where fairy shrimp are found in Texas. Growing about a centimeter long, the translucent freshwater crustaceans exist on the constant edge of survival, laying eggs that endure the dry season only to hatch when the pools refill with rainwater.

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Matthew Austin Matthew Austin

Belize's Thriving Afro-Caribbean Culture

The boats came at dawn along the shores of the town of Dangriga on the coast of Belize.

Onboard, vibrantly dressed men, women and children carried homemade flags and waved bright green fronds of coconut palm branches as they approached the shore. On land, a crowd waited, ready to cheer as feet stepped out of the boats to touch sand.

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Matthew Austin Matthew Austin

New data: Wage, executive gaps still exist for women

OKLAHOMA CITY – Tamara Harvell of Tulsa was working a full-time writing center position and a part-time lab adjunct position at a Tulsa college when she was asked to be part of a proposed reading lab at the institution.

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Matthew Austin Matthew Austin

Alcatra and the Bovine Soul of an Island

Papa No Smile frowned fiercely as he laid out platters of grilled beef and chicken alongside salad and wine on the stone picnic table. An old man with a reputation for glowering at anyone who approached him, Papa No Smile could cook like a sweet angel, and the group of girls touring Terceira Island in the Azores Island chain didn’t let his gruff manner keep them from lunch.

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